We carry top quality at wholesale price!
- Mezon Handbags is a wholesaler of fashion handbags & jewelry including clothing at wholesale prices.
- we are located in Los Angeles.
- We provide wholesale handbags and accessories, such as hobo, satchels, messenger, wallets, jewelry, and more at real wholesale prices and our handbags are coming at very high quality.
- Our friendly customer service is available for any request and question that you may have regarding the products or services that we offer on top of high-quality fashion products.
- Mezon handbags do not sell imitations of fashion originals, or exact copies, ( except Cadillac & David Jones )
- We ship orders through UPS and FedEx Services.
- A Handling Fee applies to any oversized package that exceeds 20 inches in length for all free shipping orders.
If the shipping address is different from the billing address, please call your credit card issuing bank to add the shipping address as a second address (in addition to the billing address) otherwise we need to hold the package to confirm the address that you have provided as billing with your credit card company and this will make a delay on the shipping. ( if the shipping and billing addresses do not match this will make some delay in your shipment)
our location in Los Angeles :
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